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Spirituality Working Group Brainstorming Session

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Spirituality Working Group Brainstorming Session Empty Spirituality Working Group Brainstorming Session

Post  GT Tommy Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:26 pm

Hello my fellow WG members,

First, I want to applaud you all for the excellent brainstorming session we had this afternoon - you were wonderful - Bravo!!!!

I have all the flip chart pages here along with Tomas' proposal, and want to get things posted before I can't understand what I wrote on the flip chart. In an effort to "organize" the work we did, I will list the ideas under 3 different categories: Panel Discussion / Entire Group, Breakout Groups, and Logistics. Anything followed by: (?) means I don't remember what my abbreviation was for. I hope I got everything. If not, please respond with additions.


- Tie everything to Occupy
- Concrete actions
- Invite a Native American
- Defined structure
- Include someone to represent the Godess
- Connecting faiths
- Silent movement (morning and afternoon)
- Non-attachment
- Short history of spirituality
- Spirituality is a human need
- What is Occupy?
- Non-violent communication followed by breakout groups
- Representative of the Arab Spring
- Jt. work action (?)
- Muslim representative
- Kahuna dancing
- Dancers of Universal Peace
- Chanting
- Videotape panels and speakers
- Bring together - Golden thread
- Provide a debriefing to the following Saturday GA
- Humanist - Atheist representative
- Have a Keynote speaker (Reb Zalman, Cindy Sheehan, G.W. Hardin)
- Spirituality and Justice
- Two hour panel discussion with a break halfway
- Circle prayer
- Tools of different faiths - a comparison
- Another world
- Creating justice


- Drum circle
- Experiential breakouts
- Native American drum circle in the parking lot
- Meet a Home Free (homeless) person - like speed dating
- Poetry writing
- Kirtan
- Cameron and Christina
- Group dynamics
- Activities for children
- Have children perform later in the day
- Earth Guardians
- Power of Positive Vision
- Plants and animals
- Sweat lodge in the parking lot


- End the day with dinner and music
- Choose a date
- Have a table for documents
- Tables for presenters to sell their books, etc.
- Confirm a place
- Live music
- Alternate Panel Discussions/Group activities and Breakout Groups - 50 minutes each
- Not serve food
- Serve food - lunch and dinner - like what the 24/7 Occupiers got to eat
- Pot luck
- Have a week-long conference
- Advertising the event must be a priority
- Length of entire event - 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Webcast the event
- Have speakers via webcast
- An evening film, "I Am"
- Choice of dancing or a film
- Occupy film festival
- Donations: 1 time at beginning of the day, and/or per event
- Start small

GT Tommy

Posts : 15
Join date : 2012-01-19

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